Compas Programme on Endogenous Development and Biocultural Diversity (2005 – 2006)

INTRODUCTION COMPAS (Comparing and Supporting Endogenous Development) programme is a network of organizations from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe who are working on the current relevance and applications of traditional knowledge systems in varied areas. Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems has been part of the COMPAS network since its inception in 1995 and we…

Core Support Programme of the Department of Science and Technology

INTRODUCTION The Science and Society division of the Department of Science and Technology has been providing core support to our organization for the last four years (need specific year of implementation). With this support we have identified the following activities. Development of Biopesticides Experimentation on various aspects of Vrkshayurveda (Traditional Indian Plant Science) with focus…

Biodiversity Conservation, Reduction of POPS and livelihoods for farmers in Tamil Nadu – a sustainable triangle

INTRODUCTION This project is being implemented in Kancheepuram, Thiruvannamalai, Dindigul and Ramanathapuram districts with support from UNDP-GEF from November 2008 onwards. OBJECTIVES To link biodiversity conservation with marketing. Conserve indigenous varieties of seeds in the tsunami-prone coastal district of Nagapattinam through communities. Reduce POPs in vegetable cultivation by conserving indigenous vegetables and organic farming. Practical…

Development of storage forms of biopesticide prepared by low cost eco friendly methods: Testing and standardization through insect rearing laboratory and field trials

INTRODUCTION Under this DST supported project, several plants were examined and products of these plants were tested for their efficacy against different pests. This project was implemented during the period of September 2005 – August 2008. OBJECTIVES Setting up an Insect Rearing Laboratory where specifically identified insects of interest can be reared under laboratory conditions.…

Improving livelihoods of farmers through organic vegetable cultivation in the irrigated areas of Dindigul district in Tamil Nadu

INTRODUCTION This project for improving livelihoods of farmers through Organic Vegetable Cultivation with a package of organic and sustainable farming technologies was implemented in Dindigul district with the help of Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai under their Small Grants Programme during November 2007 – October 2008. OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project were: To…

Improving the nutritional status of mid-day meals through organic kitchen gardens in Nagapattinam district of tamil nadu

INTRODUCTION This project supported by the Department of Science and Technology aimed to enhance the nutritional status of the mid-day meal in the selected schools of Nagapattinam district through organic kitchen gardening. This project was implemented during the period of June 2008 – June 2009. OBJECTIVES To improve the nutritional status of mid-day meals in…

Women’s Technology Park for promoting Organic Agriculture

This project supported by the Department of Science and Technology is in progress in Kancheepuram, Thiruvannamalai, Nagapattinam, Cuddalore, Thiruvarur and Ramanathapuram districts of Tamil Nadu from July 2013 onwards. WORK DONE UNDER THE PROJECT Detailed baseline survey has been conducted in Kancheepuram, Thiruvannamalai, Nagapattinam and Ramanathapuram districts. A total of 1400 women beneficiaries were selected…