CIKS is implementing a pilot programme on strengthening rainfed agriculture in Jawadhu hills block of Thiruvannamalai district in Tamil Nadu from June 2012 onwards with support from Revitalizing Rainfed Agriculture (RRA) network of India.

Some of the highlights of our intervention through this project are:

  • Detailed seed survey has been conducted and more than 30 small millet varieties have been identified.
  • Demonstration fields were established for 27 millet varieties.
  • Seed production of 13 millet varieties was taken up by the beneficiaries.
  • Front Line Demonstration for Improved variety CO4 (Samai) and native variety was done in collaboration with TNAU, Coimbatore.
  • Integrated kitchen gardens were established by 300 households using varieties of traditional vegetables. This serves as in-situ conservation centres for many traditional varieties.
  • Fifty farmers were involved in the production of vegetable seeds.
Conservation of traditional vegetables

Conservation of traditional vegetables

  • Demonstration of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of paddy cultivation has been taken up in 50 cents using five indigenous paddy varieties.
  • An experiment to test the varietal performance of little millets has been conducted.
  • Linkages have been established with the Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry and various other local institutions. Availed suitable schemes from these Government Departments.
  • A total of nine farmers groups in the project area has been recognized as NABARD Farmersā€™ Clubs and actively involved in the project activities.
Traditional ploughing and seed sowing

Traditional ploughing and seed sowing

  • A New Year 2013 Calendar that depicts life under rainfed agriculture at Jawadhu hills has been brought out in English.
  • An Agricultural Services Facilitation Centre (ASFC) that includes a Community Seed Bank, Demonstration plots, Nursery etc. was established.
  • A small scale millet processing unit has been set up in one of the villages.