Retaining Village Youth in Agriculture

It is increasingly being seen that agriculture is not attractive or meaningful especially to the youth.  CIKS has taken up a pilot project wherein 60 young farmers (potential farmers) were selected and provided training and handholding for a period of one year in order to equip them with the technologies and skills required to take…


Best paper award from TNAU

We participated in the International Conference on “Invigorating Transformation of farm extension towards sustainable development: Futuristic challenges and prospects” held on 9th and 10th March, 2018, at Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. In this conference, the paper titled “Retaining Village Youth in Agriculture”, presented by Ms Archana Prasad of CIKS, won the Best Paper Award.


New Project on Training Programmes for FPCs

CIKS has been granted a project for providing a series of training programmes for Farmer Producer Collectives and building their capacities during the year January – December 2018. The project is being funded by FWWB, Ahmedabad. The project consists of three different components, namely, Trainers’ Training Programmes (TTP) in which a group of trainers will…


CIKS Training Programme for Producer Organization Promoting Institutions

We organized training programmes for eight Producer Organization Promoting Institutions (POPI) at Chennai and for another nine POPIs at Vitheeshwaran Koil. The training covered topics such as “Essentials of Contracts for Producer Companies, Procedure for application of Matching Equity Grant under SFAC, Compliances for Producer Companies, Introduction to Statement of Accounts, Revenue Sources for Producer…


CSR Summit at Delhi

On 18th and 19th September, a National level CSR Summit was organised in New Delhi which provided a platform for meetings between various corporate involved in CSR programmes and the representatives of NGOs. The meeting was attended by Mr. A. V. Balasubramanian of CIKS.


Our work on conservation of traditional rice varieties is recognized

Our work on conservation of traditional rice varieties was covered by Thomas Reuter’s foundation, in its article titled Battling century’s worst drought, India’s farmers revive traditional grains. The excerpt mentioning CIKS: The Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS), for example, has revived dozens of traditional rice varieties that are resistant to pests and disease, capable…
